Sneakers With Wheels: Can You Walk Normally With Heelys?

If there’s one thing that has revolutionized the concept of skating, it’s Heelys. When they first hit the market, kids across the country snapped them up off shelves. You just weren’t cool if you didn’t have the ability to glide around on the pavement on a pair of sneakers. 

At times, watching kids wearing Heelys was a bit perplexing. They looked like they were sneakers, but they housed the equivalent of skateboard wheels inside them. Some kids wobbled when they walked, while others would walk with them in a totally normal manner.

As sizes expanded to adults, even more people started to wonder…Can you walk normally with Heelys, or is this a specialty shoe? As it turns out, the answer is just as complex as the design of the shoe itself…

Can You Walk Normally With Heelys?

Normal is a relative term here. It is possible to walk in Heelys, however, it’s not going to be quite the same as having a typical pair of shoes. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Heelys are heavier than normal shoes. You’re housing a skateboard wheel in shoes. This means you’ll have extra weight at the bottom of the heel area. 
  2. The wheel can make certain strides a little slippery. Going down stairs, for example, can be dangerous if you are not used to walking on the balls of your feet. 
  3. You also might notice that Heelys are wider than other shoes. This, plus a very thick sole, may make walking around a little difficult for newbies. 

What Can You Do To Make Walking In Heelys Easier?

The best thing you can do to make your gait more natural is to nix the wheels when you need to walk. What many people don’t realize is that Heelys can be converted into normal sneakers by removing the wheel and placing a cover over the shoe’s hole. 

Though you can always choose to convert and revert your Heelys, most wearers prefer to get used to walking around in them. The more you wear them, the more you’ll get used to the changes in gait. 

Are Heelys Comfortable To Walk In?

Comfort, much like “normal” is a relative term. Heelys are naturally going to be heavier, less flexible, and a little bit awkward at first. It would be a lie to say that these shoes are made for ergonomics. They’re more about being able to skate than anything else.

Heelys are not the type of shoe that you want to wear while walking uphill on a mountain. They’re also not the type of shoe that you want to run in, either. Even trying to walk around a hallway silently will be a hassle, since the heels’ wheels will make a clacking noise against the floor.

However, it’s not like these shoes are going to be a terrible burden on your feet and ankles. They’re reasonably comfortable, albeit a little heavier. If you want to spend a whole day wearing Heelys, you’ll probably find yourself in a world of tolerable discomfort.

What’s The Easiest Way To Walk In Heelys?

If you need to walk from place to place while you’re wearing your Heelys, there’s a quick and easy trick to learn. The best way to treat your Heelys while you’re walking is to act like they’re high heels. 

In other words, walk with your toes first and don’t lean backwards. Some even find it a little useful to push yourself forwards when they’re first starting to walk. 

Is It Safe To Wear Heelys Daily?

Like with many other types of footwear, wearing Heelys every day can have long term effects. The best way to explain it is that you might start noticing symptoms similar to wearing high heels for a long time—like tight hamstrings, shifted hips, and posture problems.

However, this is an extreme example and takes the idea that you will be wearing Heelys daily for years on end into account. Most people won’t have any real problems if they walk around in these shoes every day, since they probably will take a break from time to time.

Are Heelys Allowed In Most Venues?

Due to the high risk of accidents and the concern about liability lawsuits, most malls and schools have banned the use of Heelys on their premises. How strict the ban is, though, can vary from place to place.

Generally speaking, most places that aren’t public skate parks or rinks will ban people who choose to skate using Heelys in their premises. In some areas, even walking around with the wheels will be enough to get you escorted out of the venue. 

If you are not sure whether a venue is open to letting you wear Heely shoes, don’t risk it. Pack a separate pair of shoes to keep yourself on the safe side.

What Is Easier, Walking In Heelys Or Skating In Heelys?

Believe it or not, most people find walking in Heelys to be the harder than actually learning how to skate. This is especially true for adults, who may have gotten used to “standard” shoes while they walk around from place to place.

Despite there being a learning curve for both, the curve is fairly steep. You should expect to be able to skate in your Heelys within a day of first trying them on. With that said, you still may need a helmet and bracers to make sure you don’t end up busting your behind.

How Fast Can You Go In Heelys?

Most people who have witnessed kids zipping by on a pair of Heelys will tell you that these shoes can go pretty fast. How fast, though, tends to be a point of contention. The general agreement is that you can go up to 10 miles per hour while wearing them.

There have been some rumors of people being able to modify Heelys to go even faster than that, but there has yet to be any documented proof. Truth be told, most people are not going to hit the 10-MPH mark while they’re skating around.


Owning a pair of Heelys is a unique experience that can be hard to fully pin down. It is possible to walk normally in a pair of Heelys, but it won’t exactly be the most comfortable experience that you will have.

It can take a while to learn how to walk in Heelys, and even if you’re experienced walking in them, there are some places where you just won’t be able to go. The best way to view Heelys is as footwear that’s designed for a special time and place—and to be a treat rather than the norm.