Didn’t know you could do yoga with roller skates on? It turns out, you can do anything with roller skates on. Next time you do yoga, try out some of these crafty poses. Yoga is the most beneficial activity to do to de-stress. Strap up those roller skates and take note of these interesting yoga poses.
Why Should I Do Yoga?
Everybody should do yoga. Yoga is one of the best exercises around to stretch out those muscles. It is also the best activity around to get out of your head for a bit and focus on your breathing. In retrospect, inline skating and yoga are the same. You get a great exercise out of both, and it’s also time to pay attention to your mental health. It gets your blood pumping.
Balance is everything in roller skating. Yoga helps you with your balance. Take a look at some of these poses which will help you attain a better balance.
Tips For Yoga Poses
It is highly recommended that you should seek out an instructor to help you with these poses. Making sure that you are doing them right is highly important, especially so you don’t pull a muscle. And perform the poses on solid ground. Stand on a carpet or a mat so you have a more comfortable ground.
Stretching Your Back
Think about how much you bend your back when roller skating. It is very important to perform yoga poses, so you don’t hurt your back. Here is a stretch that you can do.
Get out a mat and lie on your back. Stretch your hands out with the palms facing towards the ground. Then slowly raise your knees over your chest. Lower the knees to the left elbow. Press your hands and shoulders into the floor. Returning to the resting position perform the same position on the right knee, lowering it the right side and pressing shoulders and hands into the floor. Keep repeating for a couple of more cycles.
Focus on Breathing
Never forget to breathe. Aside from stretching out this achy muscles, this is a time to pay attention to your body. Most importantly, how to breathe. Empty your mind. Your stressful day is not important. While you are performing these poses focus on your breathing. Take a breath in, hold it, and then slowly breathe out. Never rush your breathing.

The Tree Pose
Pressing your palms together in a prayer position at the chest, put your right heel against your left knee. Turn the heel as much as possible. If you have the ability, raise your right heel to the left thigh. As you squeeze the heel into the high, push the right knee back and push your hips forward. Once you feel stable, raise your hands overhead with the palms facing in and then lower the limbs. Repeat on the other side.
The Bridge Pose
Yoga requires you to challenge yourself. Lie down on the ground with your heels close to your hips and the palms flat out on the ground. Lift your spine up from the floor and push your hips and chest to the sky. Keep your neck stretched out along the ground. As you hold your knees at hip length slowly roll down one vertebra at a time until you are flat on the floor again.
Eagle Pose
Bring your left elbow to the front of your body and then cross the right elbow under. Let the backs of your hand’s touch. Then the right knee crosses over the left. Make sure that you bend the knee.
In this pose, there are a couple of options that you can do. For the hands, the right fingers meet the left palm. And for the legs, you can wrap the right foot around the left calf. Perform what feels safe for you.
Chair Pose
Raising both arms overhead, keep the hands at shoulder width with the psalm facing in. Bend at the knees. Keep your weight leveled over the fronts and the heels of your feet. Choose a spot to look at. Keep that gaze, and keep this position for at least a minute. After a minute, take a moment to breathe, and then perform again.
Warrior Pose 1
If you would like to challenge yourself while performing the chair pose, try this warrior pose. Putting your weight on your left foot, reach the right foot back and angle your toes at a distance. Allow the toes to stay in contact with the heel. Square the hips and shoulders at the front. Even your weight with your feet. Then shift your weight to the left, returning to the Chair Pose.
Warrior 2 Pose
Spreading your feet shoulder-distance apart, raise your arms, and place your palms down. Then look over the left shoulder and turn your left foot to its left. Turning the toes 45 degrees midline, shift your hips to the left and bend the knee. Keep your weight on your right leg.
For the pose, the left knee stays aligned directly over the ankle. Don’t tip it forward and don’t keep it bent more than 90 degrees. Face the knee up and keep weight on the right leg. You are a warrior!
Warrior 3 Pose
Raise your arms overhead and place your hands on your shoulders with the palms facing in. Extend the right leg back with your toe on the ground. Then, lean the torso forward as you feel your back leg lifting off the ground. Focus and balance on the leg. Don’t twist your hips or shoulders. Congratulations! You are a letter ‘T’!’
Doing Yoga After Roller Skating
You bet that it is important to stretch out after you are finished roller skating. Stretch out those muscles with these yoga poses. Keep your muscles loose. Reduce the risk of injury. What’s important is that it makes you feel good knowing that you go exercise. Feeling the burn is all part of the exercise.
Wide Angle Forward Bend
For this stretch, you work on the feet, calves, hips, and back. Spread your feet apart, shoulder-distance is recommended, and then place your hands on your hips. Fold your body forward. In yoga, it is very important to be at the moment. Let your head feel heavy. If this pose feels too much for anybody it is okay to put your hands on the ground to steady yourself.
Child Pose
Who knew that you could return to being a child while performing yoga poses. In this pose, you can stretch out your lower back from all the knots. Put a mat on the ground. Sit on your heels, fold your body forward, and touch the forehead to the ground. Then reach your hands back with the palms facing upward. Remain like this for a minute in silence and then slowly come back up.
Downward Facing Dog
For this pose, it stretches out the hamstrings, calves, feet, and back. After slowly getting out of the child’s pose, rise to all fours. Your feet should be hip-width apart. Then raise your rear end into the air, keep your head aligned with the spine. Keep yourself in a straight line. Push the heels into the ground. Most importantly, keep your legs straight.
Pigeon Pose Variation
For this pose, you are stretching those hips. Following Downward facing dog, pull the right knee towards your nose. Then positions your right foot under the left hip. Lower it to the ground and perform the same with the left knee, but instead, you are going to push it further back from your torso while facing the front. To those who are looking for a challenge, try this. With the hips face front, rest on your elbows and repeat the motions described above.
Dancer’s Pose
Stretching the hips, thighs, and shoulders are very important after roller skating. It’s great for the balance. Raise your right arm overhead and use the left hand to hold your left foot behind. Focus on one spot and hold this pose. Bend your torso forward. Keep that left leg in the air. Don’t twist your body when performing this pose. Keep your body steady in a ‘T’ shape. Repeat on the other side. Challenge yourself and see how long you can hold this pose.
What Else Should I Do?
We’re glad that you asked. There’s plenty of exercises that one can do to get those muscles all stretched out. Perform crunches, sit-ups, do squats, lunges, and planks for your legs, thighs, and core.
Go at Your Own Speed
Not everybody has the same muscle capacity as you so it’s best to start off slow. Do as many squats, poses, or lunges as you can. Stretch your body out at least three times a week. Each week add one or two more stretches so you can push yourself and your muscles to be stronger. Strengthen your core to maintain stability for the next roller skating adventure.