That big night is finally here. You are planning to take your date on a romantic evening of roller skating. Stop! Before you take your date on a roller skating date, there a few things that you should be aware of. For one, both you and your date need to be up to speed in the world of roller skating. Get in the know about roller skating dates and read these 17 important do’s and don’ts of roller skating dates.
Do: Talk to Your Date
It is very important to talk to your date. Talking helps you get to know your partner better. No worries, there is always something to talk about. Make sure that your date is not bored. Once you have made a conversation about necessary get-to-know-you topics, why not ask about roller skating? Before you even think about going on a roller skating date making sure that they like to roller skate.
Don’t: Go on the Date Uneducated
Nobody should go on a roller-skating date having no clue about how to roller skate. The last embarrassing event that you want to happen is falling right on your rear end as soon as you put on the skates. Remember, a date is showing the real you, not turning yourself into some person whom you don’t even know.
Do: Go on a Creative Date
Is your idea of a date night going out to dinner, then to a movie, where you drop them off at home once the night is over? Instead of going out to see a movie where you’re not going to talk to each other, think about a more creative date.
Creative dates are important. Think of an idea that nobody has ever thought before in the world of dating. I bet you’re thinking about a roller skating date right now. That’s okay, go ahead and start planning. Couples should try new things.
Don’t: Make This Your First Time Roller Skating
No way, you are not going roller skating for the first time tonight with your date. However, if your date fancies roller skating, try it out. As the person who has been roller skating the longest, refrain from going to a hopping, fast, and busy roller skating arena for the night.
Instead, have your date put on a pair of roller skates and have a little adventure around a safe neighborhood. Teach them out to roller skate through fun little techniques.
Do: Wear the Right Roller Skates
Calm down, don’t be nervous. Do you know what you do when you’re nervous? You pick up roller skates that both go on the right on foot. Wear the correct roller skates that fit on your date. For those who do not own their own pair of roller skates when going out for the night, there’s a pair on hold.
Don’t: Wear Uncomfortable Clothing
For a roller skating date, this is not the time to get all glamorous. For women, don’t wear the biggest dress that could get caught in the wheels, or even worse, impersonate Marilyn Monroe from that famous film. And guys, steer clear from wearing a suit. Don’t wear anything restrictive or stiff.
It doesn’t matter if you are wearing baggy clothes, shorts, or if you are in your sweats. The point of roller skating is to have fun. So, don’t go all out. Wear the most comfortable clothing that you own. Be able to move around freely so you can bend your knees, move your arms, and most importantly, turn your body in the directions that you want to turn in.
Picture This: You’re skating in the tightest of pants. You fall. Your pants rip. Get the picture?
Oh, and one more tip. Don’t carry anything around in your pockets. I won’t explain why because that landing is only going to hurt more.
- Clothes you should Not Wear
- Jeans
- Dresses
- Skirts
- Jewelry
- Loose clothing that could get caught in your rollerblades: (A.K.A. Scarves)
Do: Pick a Nice Roller Skating Place
Now it’s time to research. If you know of a place that is great for your roller skating date, then you should go there. Choosing a place that is rundown, does not look safe, or where the rollerblades are falling apart is not a good move. Some roller skating places glow in the dark when you turn the lights out. It’s really cool!
Don’t: Do any Dangerous Stunts
Trying to impress your date? You’re not the only one. Instead of trying to do tricks that are way over your head like doing a back flip on rollerskates, tonight may not be the night for that. Just roller skate around, do a couple of little tricks to show off, but not enough that they could injure you or your date. Injuring your date is not a good move.
Do: Skate Together
That’s right, you should skate together. Going to a skating rink is no time to get separated. No, this is another great time to get to know your date. You never know, you may learn some special tricks. Stay vigilant. Watch out for each other.
Hold hands. Holding hands is a romantic gesture. It says that you want to stay together throughout the night and that you are willing to help them even if they are not up to roller skating speed like you.
Don’t: Be Too Stiff
I’m not talking about the stiff clothing that I already recommended that you should not wear. Roller Skating is all about doing crazy moves. Have fun. Act like you.
That means while you are having fun on the rink, it is not the time to do any dangerous stunts like splits. Right, that is only going to throw your back out or worse do something horrible to your legs. Trust me, your date is not going to be impressed who does over the top tricks that they have never done before. Roller skating is fun and all, it’s just that you shouldn’t spend the whole time trying to be cool.

Do: Make up Games
Getting bored or skating around in circles. Once you and your date are up to speed with roller skating, recommend a game. Some games that you can play are H.O.R.S.E, or a game of tag, or for the heck of it you can also play a game of hide-n-seek.
Or you can copy the fun moves that you see ice skaters do on TV. I know this is not ice skating, but technically ice skating and roller skating are the same technique. Make the date a unique experience.
Don’t: Disobey the Rules
Obey all the rules of the roller skating place that you end up at. Or if your date has any rules or cautions to pay attention to this is not the time to disregard those rules. The quickest (and dumbest) way to get kicked out of a skating rink is to disobey rules — and inappropriately get yourself banned for life from the roller skating arena. Yeah, your date will likely never talk to you again if that happens.
Do: Wear Safety Padding
Tonight is not the evening to call yourself The Incredible Hunk. Nobody is skipping out on wearing padding. Wear the necessary padding on your knees, elbows, and wear a helmet. If you’re really safety precautions than wearing padding against your rearend in case of any bad falls.
Who is going to judge you for being safe? If your date is not wearing anything to protect themselves, don’t worry. The only people that are going to judge you for wearing safety equipment are ones who don’t take safety protocols seriously.
Don’t: Get Wasted
Dates are a night to remember. Not nights where one gets totally wasted and has no memory or what happened the very next morning. That’s right, take it easy on the drinking. Or better yet, don’t drink at all. If you’re going to drink any adult beverages previous to going to the roller-rounds, be sure you’re coherent enough to skate in the correct direction.
Do: Take Things Slow
Yes, take things slow. Roller skate slowly around the arena. Make sure that you and your date is comfortable with what is happening. In general, couples should take things slow on a first date.
Don’t: Worry About Falling Down
If you didn’t know it by now, falling down is a big part of roller skating. It’s okay to fail. And you’re not the only one. Just get right back up and try again. And let your down help you up and give you a couple of pointers. You learn something new every day.
Do: Have Fun
That’s right. Just have fun. No need to get all upset that you’re not skating up to speed like your date. This night is all about getting together with your partner to do something fun. After a long and crazy week, unwind, put on the roller skates, and have fun.