Never fear all you first-time roller skaters. The first tip when it comes to learning how to roller skate is never to give up on the first try. To learn how to skate, try more than once to break in the bearings? Roller skates are meant to feel uncomfortable because you have never worn these types of shoes. Here are some beneficial tips on how to break-in the bearings of roller skates until you don’t feel anything.
When Will I Get Comfortable?
In all truth, getting used to roller skate bearings varies from person to person. For some, it may take 12 hours while others need more than a month to get comfortable. We all have different comfort levels when it comes to skating. There are manty techniques that one can do in order to become a better skater.
What Happens During the Break-In
Not a robbery, that’s for sure. For most roller skate break-ins, ost bearings require very little break in or none at all. The break in comes from a type of lubricant. Bearings with a heavier oil or grease lubricant require a “warm up” to reach their full potential. However, this shouldn’t take long. Break-ins require 30 minutes to an hour at most.
How Long Will My Skates Last?
That is a very good question. It all depends on what you use your skates for. Do you play sports with roller skates? The bottom line is that skates don’t last forever. In the longrun, skates could last twenty years that is if you take good care of them. Clean and maintain the bearings.
How do I Get Comfortable?
We’re glad that you asked. Because we said 12 hours that does not mean that you should wear your roller skates for 12 hours. No way, that is not good for your feet. The best technique to get comfortable with roller skates is to wear them for a total of an hour each day.
Go on a little adventure each day. Through your neighborhood, on a little trail in the open woods, or go to a skate park near you. The more you skate, the more you become comfortable. In time your feet will mold in with the roller skate making the movements easier.
Get in the Right Mindset
Before we get into all the tricks behind the anatomy of roller skates, the most important part about breaking in the bearings of roller skates is to go into this journey with a positive mindset. This in not the time to be negative. Be positive. If you fall, get right back up.
Just because those roller skates hurt you one day does not mean that you are going to throw them into the garbage. Learning how to roller skate takes time. Try out every technique, product, and strategy to help break-in those bearings to get rid of the discomfort.
Risk of Blisters
Want to know the main reason why you should not wear those skate for a total of 12 hours? Blisters. It is very important that you have the right sized skates to begin with. No matter what, make sure that those bearings are not rubbing up against your heal or any other part of your foot.
Blisters are nasty and if you keep letting your skates rub up against you, it could lead to a nasty infection.
Pay Attention to Your Feet
Get your feet used to skating. Your feet have never been through this kind of activity before.
Ther strength of your arches and ankles will not be very strong when you first start out. When you first start roller skating, your using muscles that you never used before. They are not the muscles you use while walking and running.
All skates are different. Skates put pressure on different parts of your feet. Note that you will start to develop callouses and tougher skin on the areas of your feet that are controlling the skate, specifically under the ball of your foot. If you already have issues with your feet they will really start to show the first time you elevate your foot off the ground and put wheels on it.
Same goes for your leg muscles. The more your skate, the more muscles you develop in your legs to strength your core. Did you know that you have one leg that is more dominant than the other? You find out some interesting facts every day. For some people, the right leg is the dominant one, guiding you through these lessons to be a better skater.

You Control the Skate…
… Not the skate itself. You are in control. So, if something is not sitting right, you be the one to fix it. In order to break-in your bearings here are some helpful tips.
- It’s all in the Socks
Socks are the most important element when it comes to breaking in your roller skates. Don’t go bearfoot. That is only going to mess your foot up causing awful discomfort. Thickness is everything. Thinner sock are better because it is easier to slip your foot into the skate. To prevent rubbing, Wear a sock that comes up higher than the boot.
- Heat-Mold on Roller Skates
Take a look at the instructions. Heat-moldable skates helps the skates contour with your feet. Before you go through with this, make sure that the skates can handle heat. Otherwise, you’re skating in melted rubber.
- The Importance of Stretching Out
Stretching out before any strenuous activity is very important. Without stretching, it is possible that you are going to have more aches and pains in the aftermath. Take a look at some stretches.
Aside from stretching out your body, stretch out your skates, too. At some local skate shops, sketch stretching services are offered. Learn every aspect you can about the anatomy of a skate.
- How to Prevent Blisters
As we mentioned above, you are at risk of getting blisters. Prevent blisters as best you can. Look into different pairs of skates and make adjustments. Letting those skates rub up against your foot causing discomfort is a bad decision. Skating is meant to be fun.
- Wear Ankles Guards
To those who have sensitive ankle bones, knocking your ankles around in the skates are not good for the ankle. Make sure that your feet are secure in those skates by locking them up nice and tightly. Look into padding. Or ankle guards. No, not the type of people who keep someone safe. They’re the type of pads in which keep your ankles from painfully jostling around in the skate.
- Look into Insoles
We all have a different foot size. Some skate on the insides of their feet (Pronating) while others skate on the outsides of their feet (Supinating). Get the correct insole to help break your feet into the bearings.
- How to Lace up Your Roller Skates
On any shoe, lacing up is one of the most important factors. Skates should not be too loose. Or too tight. They should be just right. Play around with the lacing. Use a variety of lacing techniques.
That’s one of the most important parts when it comes to breaking in the bearings of roller skates. Learn every aspect there is to the anatomy of roller skates and how to get used to them.
- Adjust the Hardware of Roller Skates
With quad roller skates you can tighten or loosen your trucks, change your cushions to softer or harder ones and change the tightness of the wheel. For those who have inline skates or roller blades you may be able to adjust where the frame sits depending on the model of the skate.
What You Should Avoid
Let’s be real. It’s okay to make a mistake when you are breaking in the bearings to roller skates. Everybody makes mistakes. Mistakes are important. Mistakes help us learn.
However, here are 3 tips on what rookie roller skaters should never do when they get on roller skates for the first time.
- Never Tense Your Feet
You are in control of your feet. Never tense them. That will only cause more discomfort to your feet. Relax the muscles and let them glide with the skate. Also, relax the toes. Upon looking for skates and trying them on, make sure that your toes have enough space and are not hitting the roof of the skates.
- Don’t Tighten Skates Too Much
Like we said about the laces, you should never make your skates too tight. And they should never be too loose. Make your skates just right so you won’t have any discomfort when skating in them. Don’t let any part of your body go numb. You need all your body parts to break in those skates.
- Avoid Negativity
Don’t let your toes clamp down in fear. Make sure you can bend your knees. This is the time where you should have a positive attitude and be confident about learning to skate. Relax.