Ice skating has become a popular sport for a century now. For ice skating beginners, the primary decision lies in choosing the perfect ice skate for themselves. People start with rental ice skates provided in the rink but soon realize how bad they are!
Are rental ice skates bad? I was fascinated with figure skating, so I went ahead and searched for some rental ice skates. This led me to understand the unhygienic world of ice skating rinks and rental ice skates. Instead of providing fun, these ice skates can cause significant health issues and discomfort!
Hence, in this article, I will explore the good, the bad, and the ugly of rental ice skates. Read to know if you should invest in new skates or go with the rental ice skates.
What Kind of Skates Do Skating Rinks Use?
An ice skating rink is where you can have the most fun with your friends and family. This place is perfect for recreation purposes, learning speed skating, figure skating, and ice hockey as well.
Below is a list of the different skates used in the skating rinks:
- Figure Skates
Many professionals, who perform in various competitions, use figure skates. Figure skating has become a popular sport in the Olympics as well. The skates are short and structured with thin blades that help in gliding on the ice better.
The rigid structure provides ankle support which is the most critical aspect for the professionals. For the maximum ankle support, below the calf cut is made that further helps in boot flex.
I have seen a lot of different types of figure skates. If you are a beginner, then I would recommend the skates that are pre-assembled. There is definitely less hassle with this one. For a professional, custom-made skates are the best.
- Recreational Ice Skates
These skates are cheap, made of plastic yet comfortable. The purpose of recreational ice skates is to maximize fun. You should not expect much support, performance, and endurance, but you can expect enjoyment. These skates start from around $30. Hence, these are used the most in skating rinks.
- Rental Ice Skates
Rental skates are not a type but a way for skating rinks to increase their profits. These skates are bought in bulk and then rented to people for a maximum of $10 to $15 a day. Unfortunately, these are low-quality skates that are often poorly made and can cause irritation.
I do not like rental ice skates. They do not fit properly, the feet hurt in these skates, and they are not fun to wear. However, even though my overall experience with rental ice skates was not good, a few advantages can make you rent ice skates.
- Hockey Ice Skates
Hockey ice skates are made of tough and durable material that helps in longer practices. The blades should be of superior quality as the players have to glide, halt and accelerate while playing constantly. If the blades are not strong, they will not hold the players on the field for a long time.
The Good About Rental Ice Skates
If you’re planning to rent ice skates, then there are definitely a few good things about them:
- Availability
You can rent ice skates at any rink! They are easily available. You will also find skates that match your foot size as the rink owners buy skates in the bulk of every size. Therefore, you do not have to worry about your size not being available.
The one thing that I love about rented ice skates is that you can rent them anytime, keep them with yourself for a few days, and practice as much as you can.
- Affordability
Rented ice skates are highly affordable. You can get them for about $10 to $15 a day. You can even keep them for a week after paying a little more. After taking a few lessons in ice skating, you can also learn more by renting ice skates.
- Best for Beginners
If you are a beginner, I would recommend the rented skates. These skates can help you understand if you want to skate only for recreation or learn it properly.
If you are just starting, it is preferable not to spend hundreds of dollars on new skates. Rented skates can help you discover your passion. Then you can eventually buy the new ones.

The Bad About Rental Ice Skates
No matter how many benefits rental ice skates have, there are some limitations here as well that include:
- No Consistency
Rented skates have zero consistency. You do not know if the skates you have practiced in will be available tomorrow or not. Ice skating demands consistency.
Hundreds of other people rent the skates. So, it is possible that you do not get the same skates again the following day.
- Low Quality
Rented skates are known to be of low quality as rinks only buy them to maximize profits. They are cheap and made up of plastic and textile. The blades are also cheaply made and do not hold up for more than fifty hours.
The leather ones too are not of good quality. They are too rigid and stiff, and they do not allow flexibility or proper movements.
- Wear and Tear
After much usage, the wear and tear on the skates increases. The blades are also not sharp enough. Moreover, The boots suffer breakage as the blades are not sharpened regularly. This leads to no ankle support, which can further lead to serious injuries.
The laces are not strong enough to hold the stakes in their place. The blades also shift their position due to constant skating. The rink owners do not bother about these skates as it only brings extra income.
I have seen plenty of rented ice skates that are almost on the verge of breaking, and still, they are being rented out to the public. People should properly inspect the shoes and blades before renting the skates.
- Sizing Issues
So many people wear these skates every day. Hence, their sizes change with time. I once rented a size 5 skate that fitted like size 6! This creates a problem as it leads to injury if the size is too small or too large. To find a skate that fits you perfectly is a huge task.
Most of the people I know gave up skating as they could not deal with the pain and hurt they felt after skating for a while. The size issues are generally tackled with good laces. It is better to tie the laces as tight as possible to provide some support.
- Cost of Renting
Renting is a good option unless you are frequently renting from the rink. Weekly renting can amount to almost $100. If you want to pursue skating as a professional, you should invest in good quality and brand skates.
They can provide you with better support and longevity. Constant renting will only lead to wastage of money as the cost will be the same as the new ones.
The Ugly About Rental Ice Skates
A few minor inconveniences aren’t the only limitations of rental ice skates. There is a huge ugly side too due to the below-mentioned reasons:
- Hygiene
Hygiene is the most critical aspect while wearing a rented ice skate. Hundreds of people wear the skates daily, which leads to foul odor and infections. In addition, the shoes are rarely or never cleaned, which can lead to health problems.
- Risk of Infection
The pandemic has created problems for the ice skating community as they relied on rented ice skates to practice their art. In times of COVID, a little contact with any other object could infect the person concerned.
Re-usage of the ice skates will lead to contact with multiple people, increasing the chance of getting infected.
- Irritation
Most of the people I know have complained about the rented ice skates as they were too small or large. This irritates as the ankle would rub against the shoe. Moreover, it has also led to ankle and knee injuries because of the wrong movement of the feet.
- Health issues
If you persist with wearing rental ice skates that are uncomfortable, it could lead to health issues in the future. At times while skating, we do not realize that our movements are too rigid, which can cause a cramp and fall on the ice.
People have claimed to have continued health concerns after falling on the ice in the wrong manner. The blades, too, are not sharpened regularly. So you could be skating with forceful movements, which can affect your lower back as well.
You can also have warts on your feet because of the ill-fitted skates. Moreover, you can transmit this infection to others via skates as it is highly contagious.
Moreover, rental skates get bad for your posture. You cannot spin or jump in these, and if you try, it can lead to permanent damage to your body.
Final Thoughts
Rental ice skates are suitable only for those who are pursuing this activity for recreation purposes. It is also beneficial to beginners who have just started learning. The cons seem to be more than the pros with health issues, wear and tear, risk during the pandemic, and more.
In my opinion, you should steer clear of rental ice skates if you want to invest more time in this sport professionally. But, if you only play occasionally for fun, then you can consider rental skates!