Have heard a couple of people asking this question, “is ice skating a good first date?”. Frankly, it’s one of the most amazing first date ideas. If you both love adventures, there is no doubt that you both will love going on ice skating for a first date.
Ice Skating Isn’t a Bad Idea for First Date
First and foremost, going on ice skating isn’t to impress your partner or date. It’s about trying something new; something that you haven’t tried together before. As a man, it will show you that she is ready for the challenge. It will also be fun and a great time to bond better. The experience will make for a lot of laughing, especially if you both or one of you are/is guilty of falling every time.
RELATED: Ice Skates 101: The Complete Guide To Help You Get Familiar with Ice Skates
However, you shouldn’t go or agree to the idea if you are going to be angry or embarrassed every time you fall. If you aren’t ready to take up the challenge even if you are a novice, it would never be fun. So don’t go if you are scared. There’s absolutely nothing wrong declining.
Of course, many will argue that a first date should be used to each other. Ice skating might not be so good if only one person is conversant with it. Therefore, it won’t sound fun.
But if you are excited, even if you have never participated in one before, it would be so much fun, and you are pretty sure you will have a good time with your date, even if you fall countless times.
Is Ice Skating Romantic?
For a first date night, the answer is yes – nothing beats skating with your lover on a first date, out in the cold. It’s pretty romantic, and though popular culture, ice skating with your loved one will continue to dominate the list of popular first date ideas. It’s fun, relaxing, cozy, and seeing the twinkling down of the snow is pretty awesome. Holding hands with your partner while you look her in the eye and skate around is romance like no other.
However, you need to make sure that you and your partner both know how to ice skate. It can be awkward and boring teaching your partner how to skate on a slippery surface, diverting from the real purpose of ice skating in the first place.
Given that it’s ice, the cold will be unbearable, but that shouldn’t be a big deal. As you read along, we will list what you should wear to protect yourself from the cold weather
What Should I Wear On a First Date Ice Skating?
Ice skating is a great winter activity that can make an excellent and wonderful date night, especially if it’s your first date. However, many people are in limbo about what to wear on their special first date night on the ice. Don’t worry, we got you covered!
What you should know is your first date night ice skating is special, and you must make an awesome experience out of it. That means your choice of attire must be top notch, and you have to observe a few do’s and don’ts. It should be fun and nothing short of a wonderful experience.
Also, what you are going to wear depends on whether you intend skating outside or inside. If you wish to skate outside, remember to come along with your hat and coat. The outside is incredibly cold you know.
You can wear long pants, whether it’s yoga pants, sweatpants, stretchy pants, etc. You can easily move around in pants.
Keep yourself bundled up when you arrive. Before and even during skating, you should generate enough heat from layers that will keep you warm from an extended period. And of course, don’t forget to put on your gloves. They will keep you a bit warm in the hand and help you to have something to fall back on the ice.
Choose the right pair of socks to wear. They are vital when dressing for ice skating. You should choose a pair that’s warm and comfortable to wear. Don’t forget to wear comfortable skate boots. If you don’t want to be falling all the time or not being able to move your legs, discard any skate boot that will make you uncomfortable.
If your date isn’t experienced ice skating, he/she should wear a helmet for protection and if possible, other safety gears. Falling on the ice can be pretty bad, and this might just ruin the moment. You could fall and damage your knees. You could fall and hit your head and have a concussion. I’m sure you wouldn’t want that.
If you have a long hair, make sure they are packed at the back of your head to reveal your face. It’s a romantic night; you wouldn’t want your partner to just see your hair, but your face.
What You Shouldn’t Wear On a First Date Ice Skating?
We are in the don’ts part and this part is as crucial as the do’s part. Now, what are the don’ts?
First of all, don’t wear shorts to go ice skating. It’s winter for crying out loud. Why would you consider wearing shorts in the first place? It’s weather inappropriate. Shorts will leave your legs exposed to the cold.
Ladies should avoid wearing dresses without leggings, no matter how cute the dress is. Short dresses will leave your legs out exposed in the cold. Instead, combine your dress with a pair of fleece leggings.
Refrain from wearing skinny jeans or any tight clothing. Also, you should avoid wearing thick socks. Thick socks will make it difficult for your skates to fit in properly.
How to Ice Skate
If you have agreed to an ice skating date and you probably don’t know how to skate, you can learn ice skating before hand with some few tips we would like to share in this post. You don’t need to feel embarrassed on that day just because you fell multiple times.
RELATED: Is Roller Skating Harder Than Rollerblading?
After you master these basic steps, you should be able to skate on the ice.
- Wear Warm Clothing
You wouldn’t want to wear something that is cold when you are about to engage in an activity that’s cold as well. Also, wear something lightweight. You will need freedom when moving.
- Wear a Helmet (Optional)
If you want, you can decide not to wear a helmet, but it’s important if you are a newbie. If you are afraid of falling, you should definitely get hold of one.
- Get Your Ice Skates
You don’t need to buy your own skates. You can rent for the time-being. Make sure your skates fit snugly and comfortably. They should also be tied properly.
- Get On the Entry Mat
Indoor ice rinks are surrounded by a soft mat that enables people to safely walk to the rink’s surface. Walk through the mat to the ice rink’s surface.
- Get On the Ice
For a first timer, it can be frightening stepping on a slippery surface like the ice rink. That’s why there’s a rail beside that you can hold on to. Use the rail to adjust to being on the rink.
- Move Away From the Rail Slightly
This will take some courage to do. Once you have acclimated to the ice, move away slightly from the rail with slightly bent knees. Don’t swing your hands and arms. Else, you will find yourself rolling on the ground.
- Practice Falling and Getting Up
There’s no learning without falling. Bend your knees and assume a squatting position. Fall to the side; lean a bit forward as you fall. Place your hands in your lap and turn over on your hands and knees. Gradually, place one foot in between your hands. Do the same to the other foot and push yourself to a standing position.
- Try to Move Forward
Now that you have mastered the art of falling down and getting up, you should learn to skate forward. Begin by marching, and then, move. Do short steps with one foot at a time, as if you are riding a scooter. Keep trying this technique and alternate between the left and right foot. Push from one foot to the other and try to skate around.
- Try to Stop
Set your feet apart and use the flat side of the blade to make a snow on the ice to enable you do a snowplow stop.
- Practice Gliding
March across the ice, and then take some rest. Make a forward glide for a short distance on two feet.
Ice skating for a first date seems to be commonplace, but it’s fantastic. You get to enjoy your time with your date. It’s also fun and you both would be sharing a lot of deep conscious information looking each other in the eye, and holding hands. In other words, you both will be open-minded.
Is ice skating a good first date? It’s undoubtedly an awesome idea for first date.