Since I started working again, my stress levels have gone from zero to almost a 100%. I literally yearn for the weekends to come as soon as possible every Monday. And I’m certainly sure this is the same for every 9-5 workers out there.
Skating has not only become my favorite hobby but also helps me reduce built-up stress and tension during working days.
Now I’m sure you’re wondering how I make out time to skate while working my 9-5 job. Here’s a little trick I learned recently and it has helped me a lot.
I skate in the night! Shocker isn’t it. As much as this sounds alien to most people- isn’t that a dangerous thing to do? Isn’t it risky to skate during such dark hours?
Yes, it most definitely is dangerous to skate at night; however, this blog post will run you through how you can skate and night. It’s totally achievable and since the air is cooler at night, you will have a good ride.
I enjoy skating at night because although it’s fun to have friends skate with you and all during the day, I sometimes just want some me-time (that’s not too much to ask for) and since I barely have enough time skating during the day because of my job, skating at night has become an ideal time for me.
You might have a different reason for wanting to skate at night and that’s totally fine, as far as you’re wearing safety gear while doing so, you’re definitely good to go. If you’ve always wanted to try skating at night but you’re scared and afraid of the traffic and possibly bumping into something, etc this is a sign for you to try skating at night and I hope you stay till the end of this blog post to gather tips and tricks on how to skate at night.
You have absolutely nothing to worry about, merely taking a roll through your friendly neighborhood is a big step and I highly recommend that instead of roller skating in the traffic.
Without wasting any more time, let’s get into what we have prepared for today.
Let people see you
The first time I skated at night, I made sure I told my family I was going skating just in case anything bad happened and I advise that you do this as well, mainly for security reasons- nothing too extra.
The first trick to skating at night is to stay visible. And when I mean visible, I really insist on not wearing any dark clothes or roller skates, so that people can actually see that you are roller skating and not just walking with regular shoes.
Here’s a short story; the first time I went roller skating at night, I went with a pair of black roller skates. Back then these were the roller skates I felt most comfortable in. I had no idea of how to skate at night, I was just really eager to reduce all the built-up stress I had acquired. While skating, I almost got hit by a moving van, luckily for me; he was kind enough to hit the brake paddle on time.
He came out almost yelling that I shouldn’t be skating with black roller skates at night- and he was right. As much as I loved those impala skates, I always go with a lighter shade of roller skates while skating at night. I’ll also want to add getting a pair of while wheels for this purpose. They come in handy.
I also got a pair of reflective two-piece outfits for skating at night because it made me more visible than my normal clothes would and that made drivers and people to see that I was actually skating.
Use your protective gear
If you know me, you’ll know how much I stress about using protective gear while skating. It’s even more important while skating at night because not everything is visible and in the open like skating during the daytime.
An important protective gear I want to emphasize is the safety helmet. I always make use of a safety helmet when skating regardless of what time it is.
If you’re too conscious of messing up your hair during the day, it wouldn’t hurt to wear them if you are going to be skating at night. I still can’t understand the whole concept of skating without a safety gear; you’re basically knocking on the dangerous door. Anything can happen while skating at night and it’ll be sad if you incurred a very severe injury.

So in other to be on the safe side of skating like me, always ensure that you are putting on your safety gear while skating at night.
Roller skate light
Roller skate lights come highly recommended by me. I’m not really sure where you can buy them, I just had a technician fix in some led lights for my night roller skates and I must confess, it has made skating at night for me so much easier.
Not only does it make you more visible, at least people get to see that you’re actually skating and not get to run you over, but it also makes you really cool while skating.
If you think skating at night is too dangerous, getting a roller skate light for your night activity would definitely have you think twice, at least you’re seeing the surfaces you are roller skating on so you don’t get any injuries or run over a snake- Lol.
Overall, I think it is a really nice feature to have added to your roller skates if you’re considering skating at night.
Skate where there are street lights
I would not recommend skating in dark places, you never know what is lurking in the shadows and quietly waiting for you to show up.
Yes, I’ve seen creepy things happen in the movies and I definitely do not want to experience any of all that horror.
If I leave work earlier, I might consider skating along the roadside, where of course there’s enough light from the traffic lights, street lights, and moving vehicles. But, In a case where I am not really up to the task and still want to skate, I take a roll through my neighborhood where I’m sure there are streetlights, and is most definitely safe for me to skate through.
I can also try out my intense roller skating techniques if I want to while skating where there are street lights because it’s much safer.
Avoid dangerous places
Please! Please! Please!
I cannot stress this enough. If you are going to be skating at night, stay away from dangerous places. Always be cautious of your environment.
Because, believe it or not, there are a lot of people out there with evil intentions and you do not want to fall a victim to any of them. This is why I will still emphasize letting one of your friends or families know that you are going skating at night. Let them know where you are at every moment by sharing your location. This way they’ll be able to track you in case you get missing or even incur a severe injury. I hope that’s not the case though.
So, for security reasons and if you’ll be unable to protect yourself if you ever encounter dangerous people while skating, ensure that you are not skating at dangerous places.
Why skate at night?
If you’re still a bit skeptical about skating at night, I’ll like to throw in a few reasons why you should consider doing it.
First of all, traffic is less. I’m not really comfortable skating when there’s so much traffic mainly because I can’t speed up the way I want. And I think many people agree with this too. So skating at night will be an ideal time to avoid traffic.
If you have a busy day like me and still love skating, it would be great if you tried skating at night. Not many people have the opportunity to explore all the techniques they want to explore, learn skating to its fullest, etc just because they have a busy schedule. If you fit into this description, you should consider skating at night. You won’t regret making that choice.
Also, if you’re keen on trying out some techniques on your own without the judgment and prying eyes of other roller skaters, skating at night should do the trick.
Final words
If you read to the end of this blog post, thank you!
I hope you learned a thing or two about skating at night and that you’re finally willing and ready to try it out. I assure you that if you follow all the steps listed above, you’ll definitely do just fine skating on your own at night.
However, you’re free to bring along some of your friends to try out this thrilling experience with you if you don’t mind.
Have fun skating at night!
Until next time friends.