How Long Does It Take to Sharpen Skates (How Sharp?)

While skating on the ice is a fun sport, it might cause you a lot of pain without excellent skates. A critical tool that comes with every ice-skating shoe is the blade’s edges. Theses edges enable skaters to soar to unbelievable heights and land gracefully.

Over time, the edges of the blades will dull and need maintenance. That is where the sharpening of your blades becomes a necessity. But how long does it take to sharpen your stakes blades? In the post, you will get an answer to the inquiry, and we’ll list vital things you need to know about sharpening your skating blades.

How To Know Your Blade Need To Be Sharpen

Your skate blade wear will vary depending on the temperature of the ice. The colder it is, the faster the blades will dull. If you find out that the edges act unusually like starting to slide whenever you land, that shows you should sharpen the blades.

Other signs are when the blade slides to one side, or the edges’ dullness when you are turning at full speed or placing slanting weight on the edges. Another way to confirm if the blade needs sharpening is by touching the edge to check for bluntness.  To prevent cutting yourself, avoid placing your finger directly on the edge’s span.

How To Sharpen A Skating Blade

The professional will cut out the steel of the blade when you take your skates to be sharpened. They will create a hollow between the two edges of the skate. The middle part will them be run along with a grinding wheel. A jig will hold the skate in place while the wheel removes an extra material, causing the edges to become sharper.

How Does The Radius Of Hollow Affect How Sharp Ice Skate Is?

A radius of the hollow of a skate is the cut a machine makes at the base of a blade that determines how sharp the exterior and interior ends are. You call that cut a Grind. The Ice skate blades should be filed at a 1, ¾, 5/8, ½, 3/8, inches, and more. Here are how these numbers affect a Skate. 

A small radius gives more depth in snow and leads to an added resistance causing difficult speed and glide for a skater. But your maneuver does less speed due to extra strain.

In contrast, a considerable radius offers better glide, less struggle, swiftness, and your energy will not drain fast. That is why speed skater’s blades are flat. The con here is that a greater radius does not give you the capacity to maneuver easily and do tricks. Other things to consider when choosing a radius of hollow are the weight of the skater and how hot the rink is.

What Are The Types Of Skate Sharpening Available?

There are various kinds of skate sharpening available. You can use a grinding machine and professional hand Sharpeners, who will sharpen it by hand with whetting tools. The last method is to do it yourself with a file or sharpening stone, provided you have learned how to do it.

What Is The Cost Of Sharpening Blades?

If the query how sharp should ice skates makes you think about the cost of filing ice skating edges, fret no more. It is not as costly as buying skating shoes. The cost differs depending on where you live and who sharpens the blades. In the US, it will cost you anything from $5.00 to $20.

How To Sharpen Your Skates At Home By Yourself

As a beginner, it will be hard to sharpen a blade yourself. To sharpen the Blade at home involves knowing a few things. Follow this guide to do it properly on your own.

Step 1: Place the skate in a honing Jig and maintain the balance each time you hone the edges. Then constrict the braces securely to enable you to cut the blade at the same spot each time you file it.

Step 2: Sit down and put the honing gig amid your legs and begin to file the Blade from the front to the back in a diagonal motion. Remember to always keep the file in an upright position to the Blade.

Step: 3 Glide the File over one side of the blade for about 20 times and repeat the same action on the other side. Please do it again on each Skate for twenty times.

Step 4: Modify the Blade to suit your skating style. When you grind a radius in your Blade, it makes the ends sharp, and that will enable you to do tighter rotations, stop promptly and skate quicker. 

Step 5: Remove any metallic chips from the Blade with a Burrstone and clean the edges with a Dishtowel

How To Confirm The Quality Of Sharpening Done On A Blade?

You can do two things if you want to confirm the quality. First, take note of any changes in how it works when you rotate or jump when you start using the newly improved edges. Also, check if both sides of the edge grips more firmly. Next, discuss what you discovered with the Professional that sharpens your edges.

What Are Familiar Skates Sharpening Errors?

When sharpening your blade edges, the sharpener might make some mistakes. Most times, errors are found on the sides, which are not level. Other likely errors are nonalignment of the grinder with the edges, which causes a side of the tips to become higher than the other. The effect of this error is that it causes one side to grip snow firmly, but the second side will fail to do the same. For a worst-case scenario, the edges may pull to either the right hand or left side. So, familiarize yourself with the following mistakes so that you can detect them, and ask for correction each time you sharpen your edges.

How Long It Takes To Sharpen Skates?

If you just want to find out how long it takes a professional sharpener to sharpen your ice skate, note that it takes between 5 minutes and 30 minutes on average. Also, the way you want the edges to perform upon use will determine how many times you grind it. However, imperfections or bends in the blades can slow the process down. Other determining factors include weight and length of skating periods and the possibility of waiting in line, depending on where you decide to take your skates. 

How Regularly Should You Sharpen Your Skates?

Provided you have the right sharpness level; you could follow this schedule.

  • Sharpen your blade after skating for 30 to 50 hours of ice-skating
  • If you do not require excessively honed edges, you can whet them between 40 to 50 hours of ice-skating.

How To Protect Your Blades After Sharpening?

After grinding the edges of a skate, you must observe specific procedures to protect them. To protect or make it free from damage, you could buy a skate guard that fits your edges’ kind or size from any hardware shop near you. The makers build most of them sturdily, and they are inexpensive.

If you do not have a skate guard, try, and walk on the toe picks than using those delicate edges. Walk only on rubber floor rugs or flooring. Do not wear your ice skates on cement, tile, or timber floors.

Additional ways to protect the ice skates include:

Stepping across the doorstep: When entering or leaving the course, mind the doorstep or threshold. Step across the threshold, not on the entrance to prevent wear of your blades.

Vary stopping methods: Stopping could also wear your skate blades. Alter your stopping routines during practice to put stress on the edges in different areas, to extend the period you sharpen them. Specific methods you could try include tango stops, 1-foot snowplows, and T stops.

Keep your blades away from rust: Once rusted, it will not hold an edge anymore. To prevent water corrosion, apply oil on the curves. When you are done skating, dry the blades to remove any water there before covering the skate with the skate guard.

What Is the Life Span of Ice-Skating Blade?

Whenever you sharpen a blade, specific slices of the edge are cut off. Assuming each time you reshape the side, a 0.1 thickness is removed. That means you could hone the blade for up to a hundred times in its lifetime.

If you sharpen once monthly to reshape the blade that implies you can use the blade for about eight years. Note that if you sharpen to alter the hollow and edge level’s radius, it will reduce the number of years since they shave off more metal when you do those two things. 

What Are The Benefits Of Sharpening Your Skates?

Taking care of your skate blades should be your #1 priority to perform at the peak of your ability. Dull skate mean dull and weak players. Below are some of the benefits you will enjoy when you sharpen your skate.

Improved Hold: If a blade is honed, it will grasp the ice more than dull ones and enable you to do your skating routines successfully. Also, you can spin and land quicker.

Reliable Performances: You could achieve optimum performance when your skate is sharpened. Therefore, using it and waiting for a long time until you hone the skate will give you below-average performance.

Steadier Stops: When the Blade is improved, doing sudden stops will be easier to execute, and you won’t strike with the rink barriers or things on the snow.


To skaters, a blunt blade will give you a hard time. Selecting an expert skate sharpener provides you longer-lasting skating edges, plus a smooth skating experience. Start now, hone that ice-skating blade.