Listen up all you rollerbladers. Are you ready to challenge yourself? Rollerblading derby is a fun activity for the whole family to enjoy on an epic Friday night. The question is if it is hard or easy. In this article, we will explain the history and tips for you the next time you go out to rollerblading derby.
History of Rollerblading Derby
Roller derby is not just a sport. It is a lifestyle. There we have that out of the way. Let’s start with a little background first.
Rollerblading derby first began in 1935. For the game, players pair up into two teams with fifteen members. Each team designates a scoring player while the other four members are blockers.
Basics of Rollerblading Derby
- Jammer: Scores points by lapping attacking blockers
- Blocker: Forms the pack, controls the opposing jammer from moving through the pack and helps their team’s jammer pass through the pack.
- Pivot: The pivot is often an expert player who builds a team strategy during play and sets the pace of the pack.
Equipment Needed for Roller Derby
- Four Quad Roller Skates
- Helmet
- Wrist Guards
- Elbow Pads
- Knee Pads
- Mouth Guards
How Long Does it Take to Learn?
Most people who have performed in roller derby have noted that it takes a lot of time to learn. There are many difficult aspects to learn when it comes to the game. You need to learn all the skills required to safely play the game, getting all the gear, and learning the rules of the game.
Must Read: How to Make Rollerblading Wheels Spin Faster
For some, they have to practice weekly. Not everyone has the time and energy to play which is why so people don’t do it.

Is Roller Derby Dangerous?
If you are not careful roller derby is a dangerous sport. Make sure that you keep your eyes open. Again, you should be an expert rollerblader to take part of rollerblading derby matches. Injuries happen. Any type of injuries. Some of these injuries may keep players from playing for the rest of the season. Injuries happen from:
- Leg injuries
- Arm injuries
- Head injuries
- Knee Injuries
How Do I Get Started?
Have you asked yourself why you want to do roller derby? That’s great because you can check the first of many chores off the roller derby checklist.
After discovering the motivation on what lead to the reason on why you want to do roller derby, let’s go over some more tips. Check yourself to make sure that you are up for a challenging game like this. Also, make sure that it is affordable. Believe it or not, roller derby costs a lot to play.
Do the Research
Before jumping into roller derby research everything there is to know about roller derby. Do not walk into this blind. Get the basics down, binge all the clips to roller derby, and find a league near you. Some teams have their own websites and tell you how to get started.
How Does it Impact Time?
Roller derby takes up a lot of time. The practice is 2-4 times a week sometimes even out of that period. Learning to juggle time and other needs is important. Write out your schedule to see if this is something that you can fit in.
How Does it Impact Your Health?
Not everybody is fit for roller derby. Go to the doctor and ask them if you are not sure. If your own physical health is not keeping you away from the sport, then the injuries may do so. Be sure that you have medical insurance if you want to go ahead and do this. Expect injuries to happen.
Read More: Roller Skates vs Rollerblades for Exercise: 11 Pros and Cons
How Does it Impact Your Family?
Take a good look at your family? Are you a single parent? Do you have kids? Do you have the right sitters to take care of your kids while you are out practicing? Roller derby is a big commitment. If something happens to you, what will become of the family? So, now is the time to ask the question. Which is more important?
How Does it Impact Your Finances?
Aside from the challenges of learning roller derby think about what it could do to your wallet. Derby is an expensive sport. The gear costs a lot. Even the rollerblades. Think about all the expenses and if this is affordable before you make the final decision. Talking it out with the family doesn’t hurt.
Do You Have the Commitment?
That is the question. Do you have what it takes to be in the roller derby? It takes confidence. Coaches are critical. It takes patience. Know how to take criticism and be patient. You have to be able to work well with others, too. Never be afraid to fail. Most players end up quitting because they cannot stand the thought about failing. Roller derby is hard.
Seek Help from Roller Derby Recruitment Coordinators
There are people to help you get involved in roller derby. Find a recruiter and ask them all the questions you have. Leagues vary extensively in their levels of skill and organization. This greatly affects their desire and willingness to recruit newbies of various skill levels. Every coordinator is going to advise you to go to a boot camp first before getting involved with a team.
You should take this advice because of the difficulty of roller derby. It’s a better move as some teams require their incoming players to tryout. In order to make your best approach, research, and practice for the Derbys.

Attend a Rollerblading Derby Match
What are you going to say to someone when you admit that you have never been to a real roller derby game? Go out and attend a rollerblading derby match to see what you are getting into. No matter what you have seen on all those Youtube clips, you must witness derby firsthand to really understand the mechanics and what you are getting yourself into.
What Roller Derby Teams Expect
Some roller derby teams welcome skaters of all levels and are willing to work with you. It doesn’t matter how new you are to the skates. However, other roller derby teams demand a higher level of skill to start.
Some teams provide a boot camp to assist you to get your skills up to par. Other teams expect you to walk into the rink ready to roll or that you will work on your own time to catch up to the team.
Is it Difficult?
Even for those who are expert rollerblades are going to experience difficulty while playing roller derby. It is tough. In the matches, you are required to go in the speed of light, making contact with other players.
The reason why roller derby boot camps exist is so you won’t be intimidated by the tryouts. Expect the unexpected and be prepared to learn.
Get in Shape
Roller Derby is hard for those who are not in shape for it all. In order to get into the sport, you have to rollerblade every day. Coaches are not up for hearing whining that you cannot keep up with everyone because they have a different physicality than you. Stay in shape. Your performance is everything. Hit the gym every week to stay in shape
For some, roller derby may change your whole lifestyle. And you have to change your eating habits. Does that sound hard?
Tips on Learning Roller Derby
Before you go ahead with roller derby, you should know all the basics about rollerblading. It’s a good idea to know how to skate forwards and stop safely before trying anything more complicated.
The good thing about roller derby is that you can pick the level of the team in which you want to get started. Friendly local teams or a pick-up team style games implement a variety of different entry points depending on your skill level.
Practice. Always Practice
Here is the best piece of advice that we can give to any rollerblader who is interested in roller derby. Practice. Practice. Practice.
Just because you were declined the offer one year to join a rollerblading derby team, that does not mean that it is the end of the year. Take time to practice. During any free moment in the day, get on those wheels and rollerblade wherever you have the opportunity.
Be confident. Everyone has a different skill level than you do. The point of practicing is to get better until you can perform tricks of your own.
Is Roller Derby Worth it?
Putting yourself up for a challenge is well worth starting up a new activity. Other than the physical challenges of roller derby it is a challenge to commit to. Keep asking yourself if this is something that you really want to get yourself into. No matter the age, roller derby is worth it. Keep on skating and remind yourself to have fun. Before going into it all, start practicing, attend a boot camp, look into the right equipment.