Ice Skates Hurt Arches When I Skate: Do I Need New Skates?

Ice skating is a game enjoyed by many sports enthusiasts. However, some skater may experience hurting arches while skating to the point where they need to take breaks. Finding the cause of this problem is the fastest way to get a solution. In this post, we’ve decided to uncover the root cause of this discomfort. … Read more

Is Rollerblading Easier Than Ice Skating?

Rollerblading is one of those sports that is known for being a fun, and yet at the same time, stunt-ready experience. Ice skating is very similar in that respect. After all, who hasn’t watched figure skating at the Olympics and marveled at the amazing tricks that people do? It’s clear that rollerblading and ice skating … Read more

Will Rollerblading Help With Ice Skating?

Ice skating season just started. The only problem is that it only lasts for the winter. Could rollerblading help me become better at ice skating? Arguably, rollerblading and ice skating have similar dynamics. Take this advice and keep practicing on rollerblades or ice skates no matter what to get better. In this article, we will … Read more

Can You Turn Ice Skates Into Roller Blades?

A lot of people are curious to know if you can turn ice skates into rollerblades. That is a great question indeed. Ice skates and rollerblades are technically the same brands, only one uses them for different sports. To transform ice skates into rollerblades all you have to do is remove the skates. Yes, there’s … Read more

Is Ice Skating Like Roller Skating

Ice skating and roller skating are two-sport with a similar history. You can participate in these games as a family, group, or singly. Some people participate in the game for relaxation, while others use them to sculpt their abs and do aerobics. Whatever reason you have, the sport can help you reach your goals. If … Read more

Ankles and Skating Pain: Ice Skates Hurt Ankle Bone When Ice Skating

Skating involves using the legs and ankles to perform numerous tasking jumps and rotations and landing on your feet and ankles. While everyone enjoyed skating on the ice, this sport has its own negative effect. In this post, we’ll explain why ice skates hurt ankle bone. But let’s kick off this post by discussing the causes of … Read more

How Long Does It Take to Sharpen Skates (How Sharp?)

While skating on the ice is a fun sport, it might cause you a lot of pain without excellent skates. A critical tool that comes with every ice-skating shoe is the blade’s edges. Theses edges enable skaters to soar to unbelievable heights and land gracefully. Over time, the edges of the blades will dull and … Read more