When people first start on a new workout routine, there are a couple of things they keep in mind when selecting their new activity. The first thing that most people think about is whether or not it’s an activity that will entertain them. A close second to that is knowing what kind of benefits one can expect from regularly exercising through that activity.
With roller skating, it’s not much different. People usually first gravitate towards roller skating because it’s fun and can open up a new community. After all, who doesn’t like the thrill of gliding over the rink, feeling free as a bird? Moreover, who wouldn’t want to have the joy of being able to say that you’re going out skating with some new friends?
Read more: The Complete Guide to Help You Get Familiar With Roller Skates
Of course, the effects skating has on your body tend to be a major pull as well. Among fitness enthusiasts, roller skating is starting to gain a reputation for being able to tone a person’s legs, thighs, and buttocks. But, is this the real deal? What can you really get from a roller skating habit?
What Does Roller Skating Offer Fitness Enthusiasts?
It’s no secret that strapping on skates can be a great way to stay in shape. If you’ve even gone to a rink for half an hour, there’s a good chance that you were able to work up a sweat. If you’re looking for more specific information on the benefits of roller skating, take a look at these perks:
- Roller skating is considered to be a form of cardio exercise that’s easy on your joints. Doctors note that roller skating can provide excellent aerobic exercise, which in turn, can boost your heart health significantly. Unlike jogging and running, roller skating is easy on the knees—making it a much more joint-friendly choice.
- It’s a full body workout. Every part of your body is going to be in use when you’re roller skating. So technically, it’s safe to say that you will be toning up every part of your body, from your core to your calves.
- Studies also show that roller skating helps build muscle. Believe it or not, roller skating can be an effective way to build muscle too. This is partly because of all the work you have to do to skate, as well as the actual weight of the skates.
- Skating also improves balance and coordination. Being able to stand up and turn on skates is a skill that’s excellent for improving both your balance, coordination and agility. If you are naturally clumsy, regular skating outings can help quash this.
- Because roller skating is a social activity, it can also help mental health. In order for people to feel emotionally well, they have to have a social life. We’re social creatures, after all. Roller skating can be a major help here, since it gives people a way to bond with one another.
- Roller skating will make a 190-pound person burn around 10 calories per minute on average. You need to burn calories in order to lose weight, and roller skating is definitely a way to burn those calories. A single hour of in-line skating can burn as much as 600 calories. If you decide to do jumps and tricks, you might see numbers as high as 1200 calories per hour.
Does Roller Skating Tone Your Bum?
If you’ve ever dated someone who played in a roller derby, you already know the answer to this cheeky question. Roller skating is an amazing activity for people who want to get toned legs, thighs, buttocks, and hips.
Most people who are just starting out on their skating journey tend to find that their bodies start visibly toning up within one to two months of regular skating. In many cases, the first thing that begins to tone up is the booty. So yes, it absolutely does tone your bum.
Does Roller Skating Tone Your Thighs, Too?
When people first start dieting, one of the hardest places to lose fat is in your thigh area. There is some good news for people who start skating. Intense styles of skating, like speed skating and vert skating, have been linked to getting better toning in your thighs.
However, thighs tend to be a secondary muscle group when it comes to roller skating’s impact. So while you should expect to see some toning, it won’t be as noticeable as what you’ll see with your glutes or your calves.

What Types Of Roller Skating Are Best For Toning Your Behind?
It can be argued that almost any type of roller skating will be a good move for someone who wants a taut tushy. As long as you’re skating, you will be employing the muscles that make a behind look toned. However, there are some types of skating that are better for bums than others. These are:
- Speed Skating. Speed skating and racing styles are excellent for toning behinds, primarily due to the amount of muscle use one has to go through in order to reach high speeds on a pair of skates. It’s a serious effort that will seriously pay off when you look in the mirror and notice your newly toned backside.
- Vert Skating. Vert skating is a type of skating that uses skate parks (like for skateboarders) as the terrain of choice. As one might imagine, skating up those steep ramps can be a serious workout for both your legs and glutes. With that said, vert skating is generally considered to be one of the most intense workouts on this list.
- ArtisticSkating. If you love the idea of doing “figure skating” on a pair of roller skates, then you’re going to love artistic skating. This form of skating tones your behind by getting you to balance on one leg, making you do wild twists, and also having you strike a pose.
Do I Have To Choose An Intense Roller Skating Style To Get My Behind Toned?
Nope. Even the gentlest of skating styles can be a great way to get the toned booty that you want to get. Remember, the best workout is the one that you actually want to do. If you prefer gentle skating, then grab your skates and just do laps around the rink.
Does Roller Skating Help You Lose Weight?
Yes and no.
When it comes to weight loss, the biggest thing you need to focus on is creating a calorie deficit. In other words, you have to burn more calories than you take in. That’s why most trainers tell people that weight loss is “80 percent diet, 20 percent exercise.”
Adding roller skating into your daily routine will undoubtedly increase your daily caloric burn. It also will build muscle, which increases your overall calorie burn—even when you’re resting. That makes weight loss easier.
However, you won’t lose weight if you are eating an extra large meal after every skate session. So while it can help you lose weight, long skate sessions alone won’t be enough for most people to see the type of results they want to see.
How Can I Use Roller Skating To Lose Weight?
The good thing about roller skating as a weight loss tool is that it’s a cardio workout. Cardio workouts tend to burn more calories in a single session than weight lifting exercises. Since roller skating has a high caloric burn, you will be able to create a caloric deficit fairly quickly with this exercise style.
Of course, roller skating alone isn’t a guarantee for weight loss. If losing weight is your end game, you need to pair your roller skating routine with a healthy diet that’s lower in calories. Otherwise, weight loss might be slower or just plain nonexistent.
Toning vs. Shrinking
It’s worth pointing out that there is a notable difference between toning and shrinking.
Getting toned means you’re growing muscle. Muscle will be firm and will weigh more than fat will. However, it will also be tighter. You can gain significant amounts of weight and still be toned. This can be seen in bodybuilders as well as people who have recovered from eating disorders.
A smaller behind means that you are losing fat. When it’s not paired with exercise that tones your body, you end up with a look that many pros call “skinny fat.” It’s possible to shrink up and also tone your bum. So, if you want to do that, go for it.
If you’ve started to notice an uptick in fitness influencers talking up roller skating, you’re not alone. It’s becoming a trend for all the right reasons. People are starting to recognize roller skating as a serious workout that offers a wide range of health benefits with regular use.
People who are trying to find a fun, social workout that will give them a legendary booty need to give roller skating a chance. It’s so enjoyable, you won’t even realize how many calories you’ve burned until after you’re done.