The coronavirus lockdown, initiated by almost every country in the world has really been a huge blow to the mental and physical health of every individual, at least most individuals in the world.
While it’s safe to say that the lockdown has curtailed the escalation and spread of the virus, it has affected humans in one way or the other. Many people have lost their sanity as a result of staying in one particular area for a long time. However, since many countries have lifted the lockdown fully and partially, it’s time to get that sanity back, increase your mental sharpness, and improve physical health.
What are we talking about? We are talking about getting yourself back to one of the most efficient outdoor exercises, roller skating. If you are still under lockdown, you can still roller skate, but indoors. This time, an activity tracker for roller skating would be your guide and watchman to see how your physical and mental health are doing while skating.
What Can Roller Skating Do To Your Body During the Coronavirus Lockdown?
There is no doubt that many people around the world have been under immense pressure since the virus has been declared a pandemic and then, the lockdown. Worrying over loved ones, caring for oneself, and being environmental cautious are some of the things we humans think and never stop thinking.
However, roller skating might just be that exercise that you are looking for. If you have roller skated or frequently roller skate before the lockdown, you will quite understand what I mean.
If there’s one exercise or physical activity that will clear your mind, keep the worries and negative thoughts at bay, and improve your mental alertness, it’s roller skating.
So what can roller skating do for you during this era pandemic?
Roller Skating Will Make You Happy
That’s it. Don’t you want to come out of that sadness and depression that has been holding the better part of you since the lockdown began? If your answer is yes, then start to roller skate.
Roller skating is beneficial to the physical health as it is to the mental health. It clears the mind so that you can think well and eliminate all forms of depression, anxiety, and negative vibes. Roller skating reduces the bad hormones in your body and increases endorphins, also known as happy hormones. So you see why roller skating makes people happy?
These endorphins relieves brain stress, improve your concentration levels, and make you feel good. Generally, roller skating in this period will uplift your spirit and keep you excited.
Roller Skating Will Relieve You of Stress
Yes, while making you happy, roller skating ensures that you live a stress-free life. Happiness is what you need right now in this pandemic period. Stress is inevitable in our everyday life and maybe worse now that everyone is busy thinking about the pandemic.
This is why it’s important that you skate. Your body needs it. Your brain and your mental health needs it. You should try to reduce your stress levels by skating more frequently, whether you want to do it indoors or outdoors. Skating relaxes the mind, and when the mind is relaxed, there is no room for stress. Roller skating is a relaxing activity and fun as well, so you don’t get bored doing it.
Roller Skating Will Burn Some Calories
If you are looking forward to getting back in shape, you should roller skate. Roller skating will eliminate all those body fats and calories that you have accumulated ad a result of the staying indoors rule and eating unhealthy. Skating for a few minutes everyday, at least 30 minutes everyday will burn approximately 250 calories.
So you now know why you have to roller skate? If you noticed you have from bigger than they way you were, it’s about time that you worn those abandoned skates of yours.
If you Want a Better Heart, Roller Skate!
Calories, as we previously talked about in this post is detrimental to your heart. Accumulation of calories in the body as a result of eating foods in high fats and cholesterol will walk up its way into your heart, causing heart attacks strokes, and other cardiovascular diseases.
This is why you should roller skate. Roller Skating will strengthen the heart and increase the heart rate. Speed skating and roller derby skating, for example, will increase your heart rate from 140 to about 180 beats per minute.
Roller Skating Will Tone Up Your Muscles
Dropping a few pounds here and there isn’t just the only thing that a roller skating would do to your body. Your muscles would be well defines as well.
Many people do not have gyms and exercise facilities installed in the homes, and since the lockdown is pretty much active in some parts, going to a public gym is nearly impossible. However, roller skating in your premises will flex your abs, thighs, hamstrings, calves, and a number of areas in the body. Your ankles are not left out in the process too.
In addition, roller skating would help build strength and make your body stronger, especially in the fight against certain illnesses and diseases. For example, osteoporosis, bone fractures, and some other bone diseases are reduced to the minimum if you should roller skate. In the long run, you might not have to fear for your bones getting diseased.
These are some of the reasons why you should roller skate in this period of lockdown.

Best App For Tracking Roller Skating
A vast majority of the world population own a smartphone. It’s estimated that about 87% of inline skaters own a smartphone. This is good and vital to tracking roller skating activities.
Let’s look at some of the best apps for tracking roller skating activity. These apps are available for both iOS and Android users. Apart from keeping tabs on your fitness level, some of these apps can teach you how to skate, and you can learn a new thing or two.
iSkate – GPS Skating App
iSkate skating app track your skating activities and has features that monitors your average speed, top speed, calories burned, total distance covered, and altitude. The app also store maps of your skating trails, and you can share it with other skaters via the share button on the app. You also get the opportunity to see new trails of other members, turning it into an interactive session.
MotionX GPS
This app will give you all the information that you need concerning routes, traffic, etc.
MotionX has some useful features such as real time traffic data, up-to-date map data, turn by turn navigation tab with voice guidance, etc. The best thing about the app is its inexpensive, so it’s almost you are getting top notch features for free.
Sporty Pal
Sporty Pal works with your existing phone GPS to provide tracking for your roller skating activity. Once it is able to track your skating workouts, you can then upload it to the Sporty Pal website where you will see detailed reports and information of your roller skating exercise. You can compare your report to other users on the website. Sounds fun right?
Fitbit Fitness Activity Tracker
Developed by Fitbit Incorporation, this fitness tracker is able to monitor your calorie burn, give you detailed report about your heart rate, and so much more. Weighing just 1.8 ounce, this fitness tracker is handy on the hand. It’s also inexpensive and you will get the best value from it.
Fiit Chest Strap
If you love something that comes in handy, you will love this awesome piece of ingenuity. Fiit chest strap is a fitness tech that will monitor everything about your body in response to roller skating and give you real-time data. All you need to is do is to strap on the tracker, lunch the app on your screen, and be immersed in the world of skating.
There are several features on this fitness tracker that will monitor your health progress and keep you updated at anytime. This is one fitness app that you need during your roller skating schedules.
There are so many activity trackers for roller skating speed and fitness around the globe. They are vital in monitoring your health, tracking down changes from the day of wearing, and storing information or maps about your roller skating routes. All you need to is to buy one and always remember to put them on.
Roller skating is a fun activity that will get you back to your former self, and if you also want to improve on your current self, you know what to do. Wear your skates and get started with a 20 – 30 minutes skating session.