Skater’s agile moves and breath-taking landings often come with a price. This series of drills expose their ankles and feet to severe injuries causing some to suffer from weak ankles. To strengthen the ankle, skaters must do specific workouts. Follow this guide to learn how to strengthen ankles for ice skating.
Common injuries skaters suffer on the Ankles.
Skaters suffer injuries to the ankles due to quick breaks and rotations. They sprain the exterior part of the ankle when they land with excessive force and get extreme ankle sprain caused by spinning the ankles further than the radius. Other ankle injuries skaters suffer include:
- Sprained Ankle
- High Ankle Sprain
- Retrocalcaneal Bursitis
- Peroneal Tendonitis
- Anterior Ankle Impingement
- Tibialis Posterior Tendinopathy
How to Prevent Ankle Injuries
Recognizing how to strengthen your ankles when skating on the ice involves learning techniques to prevent ankle injuries. To prevent ankle injuries, you must be in top physical shape, supple, and fit.
To achieve all the three factors, we recommend doing regular exercises to build strong bones and sustain a steady balance.
Other ways to prevent ankle disorders include: Wearing close-fitting shoes that offer ankle protection. Listening to the warning signs of the body and do not exhaust the body beyond its capacity.

Ankle Exercises Routines That Work
Suppose you want to strengthen your weak ankles to increase power and supple moves, do these drills to regain your balance as an ice skater. These exercises will enhance the Dorsiflexor typically used for bending ankle midair, including the tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus, and extensor digitorum longus.
- Resistance Push
Start by getting a resistance band. Sit on a seat, then raise a foot above the floor and place a resistance band under the balls of the foot. Then hold the ends of the band and gradually drop the ankle lower and lower. Next, steadily go back to the initial position. Finally, perform this move on each Foot ten times.
- Flex and stretch
Here is another method to strengthen ankles for ice skating, and remain flexible and at peak execution on ice. Lie down on the back, the heels on the flooring, and lift the toes facing the roof. Subsequently, progressively push your toes farther from you. Remain in this stance for three seconds and replicate these actions ten times. Finally, carry out this move once daily.
- Heels and Toes Walks
Stay beside a lengthy wall for support. Stand erect, lift the front of the foot off the flooring, stand using the heels, and take thirty steps. Also, switch and stand with the toes and lift the heels upwards and take thirty steps. Do this move three times each daily. Note you can use a soft pillow to protect your toes and heels initially.
- Standing calf rises
Stay erect with the feet hip-width apart and be near a barrier to stay balanced. You could also make a move standing close to a table. So, grasp on either of the two objects for stability. Likewise, raise the heels, then stand on your toes, and after that, lower the heels down. Do this move ten times and make sure you perform this workout once daily.
- Draw the alphabet
Perform this routine by resting on the back. You might also want to do it standing near a seat and use it for stability. Then lift a foot and sketch all the letters of the ABCs using the toes. Afterward, make the same moves with the other foot. Make sure you perform this workout procedure one time daily.
- Hand Foot War
Seat and put your right foot flat on the flooring. Then, bow outwards and put the right hand on the outer foot and press on. Fight the force with the foot and stay on this way for 10 seconds. Then, place the hand on the inward side of the foot and press on, then fight the force again. Make all the moves with the left foot too. Perform this move ten times apiece at least once every day.
- Stand on one foot
This routine is another strategy on how to strengthen ankles for ice skating. Stay beside a firm seat with the feet hip-width to one side. Also, grip that seat and use it to stay steady then lift one foot. Remain on that foot for 10 to 20 seconds. Then, put that foot down and perform the same routines on the other foot.
- Roll Your Ankles
You can do this exercise with ease in any part of your home while sitting down. Begin these routines by placing the right leg above the left leg to relax the leg on the right calf on the left thigh. Next, gradually spin the right ankle in large circles. Then spin the same ankle anticlockwise or opposite direction. Now, change the leg that was relaxing on the left calf on the right thigh and make the exact moves on the left ankle.
Yoga Poses to Strengthen the Ankle
There are different yoga postures to stretch and toughens your ankles for better steadiness and perfect balance. These postures include Garland, Half Moon, and many more.
- For instance, you could stretch the ankles, groins, and back using the Garland pose. See the steps for performing this posture.
- Squat on the heels and put the feet close enough, and heels on the flooring.
- Afterward, realign the thighs apart a bit farther from the torso. Breathe out and turn to the front to enter cozily in the center of the thighs.
- Also, thrust the elbows beside the inner thighs and clasp the two palms in a greeting posture. Then agitate the knees in the elbows to increase the visible torso.
- Subsequently, push the inner thighs near the sides of the torso. Spread arms to the front and allow them to swing on the sides and level your shins with the armpits. Press finger points to the flooring or place fingers on the exterior part of the ankles and grasp the back heels.
- Stay in that stance from 30 seconds to 1 minute, then breathe in, put the knees erect, and stand upright.
Diets For Maintaining Healthy Bones
The body thrives on what you feed on, so eating a nutritious diet is another way to strengthen ankles for ice skating. Eating a proper diet, vitamins, and minerals, workouts, and making sure the body is correctly hydrated, keeps you at your best as a person or skater.
The most important minerals and vitamins your physical body need is calcium, vitamin D, and Iron plus micronutrients. Skaters need calcium and vitamin D and phosphorous, which are essential for the development and upkeep of vigorous bones. They also need the three essential micronutrients, which include fat, carbohydrates, and protein, which promotes energy and aids the body in its functions.
Fat makes the immune system fit and controls cellular metabolism. But skaters must choose a fat that is plant-based foods like a nut, and fish oil. Carbohydrates are a vital supply of energy for the brain and the entire body, and it enhances the attention span for graceful movements. To enhance skating and workout procedures, eat enough carbohydrates before skating. You could have a meal of fruit, pasta, legumes, dairy food, whole grain bread, and rice regularly.
To develop muscles, repair the body, and boost immunity, eat an adequate protein of up to 1.2grams per kilogram daily. For instance, if you weigh 60-kilogram, eat 72g. Finally, remain hydrated so that your urine is normal.
When You Need To Consult A Doctor
Know your body, and avoid energetic physical workouts. If inflammation persists for a week after ankle injuries or you suffer an abnormal pain in the ankle during a workout, contact your doctor immediately.
What muscles do you use to stabilize the ankle?
Steadying the ankle muscles is a sure way to strengthen ankles for ice skating. The sinews below the Gastrocnemius and Soleus offers steadiness to the ankle and the lower leg.
Why do my ankles roll easily?
After an ankle sprain, and if the injury is not fully healed, the area becomes unstable. If you continue to twist the ankle, long-lasting ankle unsteadiness grows.
Should I Do exercise even if my ankles hurt?
You can do exercises that have a low impact on the ankles that are injured. You may do drills on a cardio bike. There won’t be pressure on that side of the body that is injured. The focus of that cardio workout is on the core and the entire legs.
How can I stop my ankles from rolling?
Do motion exercises. Start by tracing the alphabet using your toe to turn the ankle in different directions. You can do this exercise 3 times. For the second exercise, sit on a chair and keep your foot level on the flooring. Then gradually turn your knee from the left side to the right side and maintain the position of your foot firmly level. Do this exercise 3 times.
Skating excellently demands that you stay at your peak, which requires physical and mental fitness. It is vital to strengthen the ankles, and we hope this guide has been able to provide you with tips on how to strengthen your ankles. Act today, strengthen your body, and start skating on the ice.