Before we get into today’s blog, I want you guys to know one thing.
Skateboarding, roller skating, inline skating, figure skating, ice skating, everything skating are all categorized under the skating family.
So, I got a few encouragements here and there to try skateboarding, I mean if I could handle a lot of the above listed type of skating, skateboarding shouldn’t be a big deal to accomplish.
I did it guys!
I learned how to skateboard.
I’d be lying if I said I’m not proud of how far I have come in my skating journey. A few years ago I was so scared of trying out new things mostly because of the fear of the unknown. Currently I am able to make some decisions without being scared of the outcome, thanks to skating.
In other not to bore you with my life story, I’m going to throw more light on what OG means in skateboarding.
When I first heard the term OG in skate boarding, the first thing that crossed my mind is that it meant “Original gangster” which I am sure a lot of you guys are guilty of too.
After a lot of question asking on my first trials and a few researches here and there, I found out that it actually meant Original Gangster. From my experience OG in skateboarding means the pioneers of skateboarding, who made the activity popular. The likes of Tony Alva, Tony Hawk, Christian Hosoi, Steve Caballero, and so many other top skaters back in the days.
These guys and lots more are the reason why skateboarding is as popular as it is right now. The made use of the first original skateboards to be produced, formed most of the techniques we use currently and paved the way for rising skateboarders out there.
Personally I enjoyed every moment of skateboarding and has now been added to one of my favorite things to do. When I am not roller skating or inline skating, I’m definitely going to be skateboarding for sure.
So without further a due, let’s get into today’s blog post!
Who is the OG of skateboarding?
This is kind of a tricky question to answer because I think everybody has a different answer to this based on personal experiences and all that.
However, to me, the OG of skateboarding has to be Rodney Mullen. I mean how can it not be? I’m sure a lot of you guys agree with me on this one.
John Rodney Mullen is many things but definitely a professional skateboarder. He was born on August 17 in the year 1966. Still a young guy at heart if you asked me. Based on all my researches, he is considered to be one of the greatest and most influential skateboarder out there.
We give him all the credit for inventing so many techniques stake boarders make use of currently such as; flat ground ollie, kickflip, heelflip, impossible, and 360-flip, etc to mention just a tad bit of them. He currently holds the title of “Father of skateboarding” and I can’t see any other wordy opponent to take that title.

What type of skateboarding is there?
Skateboarding is a very fun and interesting activity. Just like any other sport out there, it comes with its skill level as well as different types and styles of skate boarding.
1. Downhill
Downhill skating is one of my favorites but I won’t advice you try out this style of skating until you’ve learned how to balance properly and manage your speed. Just like the name implies, downhill skateboarding is usually carried out on hills. While skating, your front foot is fully on the deck and your back foot is only on its toes. Let’s not forget to put on protective gear to avoid getting severely injured in case of a fall while skateboarding.
2. Off road
This type of skating involves skating on surfaces that is not a flat ground. Can also be called mountain skateboarding, skating on gravel tracks, uneven terrain, woodlands, etc basically anything that isn’t a flat ground. Takes a level of skill set to be able to accomplish this style of skateboarding successfully. It is not the easiest type of skateboarding out there I must confess.
3. Cruising
I enjoy cruising while skating because it doesn’t really drain you of all your energy like the other types of skateboarding does. Cruising involves skateboarding for a long time without taking breaks or trying out techniques. You’re just simply skating and enjoying each and every view you come across as well as the cool breeze you feel. Super nice. Cruising usually involves skating with longer boards to enable to meet the distance you have in mind for the day.
4. Street skating
I would have called this freestyle because it involves almost all types of skateboarding out there. He only difference with other type of skating is that street skating involves making use of obstacles such as; benches, rails, stairs, etc to carry out street techniques and tricks. Most states even have street skateboarding parks where there is a mixture of everything the need to enjoy their skateboarding.
5. Park skate boarding
A lot of people including me enjoy skating at the park because you’re free to do any form of skating without violating any government laws you may not know about. Park skateboarding just like street skate boarding has a mix of all types of skate-boarding but confined in a safer environment. I strongly recommend this type of skateboarding for beginners in the sport.
Final words
Whether you’re still thinking about going through with the idea of learning how to skate board or you’re currently a beginner in the sports here’s one thing you should know.
You’re definitely going to enjoy it better as you grow in your skill and you’ll be glad you took the decision to learn how to skate board at the end of the day- I know I am.
Until next times friends!