Skateboarding is all about grip. The longer you can stay on the board, the better it is. But what provides you that grip? Sticking a grip tape on the surface of your skateboard is the answer. It is considered one of the most crucial steps to get your skateboard ready.
But this is not all. Many times skateboarders even use sandpaper for grip. So, can you substitute sandpaper with grip tape on your skateboard? Yes, you can use sandpaper in place for grip tape on skateboards. However, it won’t last long.
To know more, continue reading till the end as I delve into the details of using sandpaper and grip tape on your skateboard.
Is Sandpaper Good for Grip Tape?
As I have already mentioned, you can use Sandpaper instead of grip tape, but is it any good?
Simply put, the grip tape is an adhesive sandpaper-like sheet specially designed for providing traction and grip to skateboards. It generally lasts for months before you have to replace it. Also, there is no scale to measure the quality of your grip tape, but I would recommend you go for branded grip tapes for durability and better gripping abilities.
On the other hand, Sandpaper can be used as grip tape, but it is not better for skateboards as compared to the grip tape because it does not contain an adhesive and works for a few days only. After that, it will start to come off from the deck of your skateboard, and eventually, you will have to replace it.
Still, if you are unable to get grip tape or it is expensive in your area, you can use sandpaper as the next best alternative to it.
What Can I Use Instead of Grip Tape?
If you are having a hard time finding a replacement for your grip tape or sandpaper, or you don’t want to use any of them, do not worry. I have made a list of some other alternatives that you should check out.
1. Textured Paints
Textured paints are not your regular paints. Instead, they have a slightly rough and grainy appearance. This is why they are a good substitute for grip tape. Available in different colors, you can easily find them in hardware stores or paint shops nearby.
You can apply it to your skateboard after thoroughly cleaning it. It provides superb gripping qualities. So try it instead of grip tape and see if it works for you.
2. Pine Tar
Pine Tar is a dark-colored liquid derived from pine trees. It is used on the exteriors of buildings, boats, and fences, but you can also use it on your skateboard deck.
Although not a very good substitute for the grip tape, it still prevents you from slipping on the board. Moreover, it protects the wood of your skateboard as it is waterproof.
3. Silica Sand and Varnish
It is the easiest method to substitute grip tape because both Silica Sand and Varnish are easily available.
Many of you might know about these two items, but for those who don’t know, silica is light brown and has a grainy texture. On the other hand, Varnish is a liquid that contains resin and oils. It hardens and forms a transparent film over the surface.
You can sprinkle some silica on your skateboard and then apply a layer of varnish to provide it a coating.
4. Grit Strip Adhesive
A grit strip Adhesive is ideally used on treads, stairs, and entranceways because of its excellent anti-skid properties. It is also the reason why you can switch grip tape with it. It is also available in different colors.
Just peel the back off to expose the adhesive and stick it on your skateboard. It will last longer and provide the grip you need.
5. Rubber Grip Tape
Lastly, some skateboarders prefer rubber grip tape over conventional grip tape because it is smooth and less gritty. You can easily find it online or at any skate shop near you. So, try longboarding with rubber grip tape and see the difference.
Is Grip Tape the Same As Sandpaper?
Even though there are other alternatives to grip tape, people generally prefer sandpaper to it. The reason for this is because both sandpaper and grip tape have a similar texture.
Even then, there are a few differences you should know about before making a decision.
First, grip tape has an adhesive at the back. It makes it easier for you to stick it on your skateboard. If you use sandpaper, be ready for the mess as you will need gorilla glue to apply on its back and then stick it. It is also very time-consuming.
Second, if you invest in a good quality grip tape, it is going to be way more water-resistant than sandpaper. So, if your skateboard gets wet, the sandpaper will peel off. Thus, you will have to change it.
Third, grip tapes have tiny perforations, which is not the case with ordinary sandpaper. These tiny perforations are required so that air can escape from the space between deck and tape when you try to stick the tape on your skateboard. In addition, it prevents any air bubbles.

Step-By-Step Guide To Applying Sandpaper As Grip Tape
Although I will advise you to use grip tape for skateboards if you are working with sandpaper as grip tape, follow the steps below to learn how to paste sandpaper on your skateboard in the right way.
1. Prepare All Your Tools
The first step is to collect all the tools and equipment you need in one place to prevent any last-minute hassle. Here is the list of tools you might need to apply sandpaper on your skateboard:
- Hairdryer
- Hobby Knife
- Adhesive
- Sandpaper
- Box Cutter, Scissors, or Razor Blade
- Screwdrivers
Make a checklist and tick mark all the tools you have gathered. If you do not have any, borrow or buy it before moving forward.
2. Remove the old Grip Tape
Read this step if you have used grip tape previously on your Skateboard. Else, you can skip it.
Here is how you can peel off the old grip tape from your skateboard:
- Use a screwdriver to remove all the nuts and pull the trucks out.
- Place the skateboard so that the grip tape part faces you.
- Heat the edges of your skateboard using your hairdryer. This will melt the glue and make it easier for you to remove the grip tape.
- Now, take a razor blade or hobby knife and slide it at a 45° angle. Note: Do not force the blade in as it can damage your skateboard. If you are still facing issues, it is better to reheat the edges.
- Once you get hold of the corner of the grip tape, use your hands to peel away the entire grip tape gently. This process can take five to eight minutes.
- Finally, clean the skateboard by wiping it using a wet towel to get rid of any debris.
3. Apply the Sandpaper
Here comes the most crucial step, applying sandpaper to your skateboard. You can put the glue on your sandpaper and stick it to the skateboard. Make sure you use a strong adhesive for it.
Once dry, cut off the extra sandpaper with scissors, a razor blade, or a cutter. And it is done! This way, you will be able to stick the sandpaper neatly, and it won’t come off very quickly.
Related Questions
1. What Household Items Can You Use to Clean Your Grip Tape?
It is not practical to buy grip tape every time it gets dirty, especially when it is expensive. That is why people prefer cleaning it using items available at home.
All you need is a toothbrush and some paper towels to get started. Just pour some water on the grip tape, scrub it using your toothbrush, and finally dab it with a paper towel to get rid of the remaining water.
2. Can You Buy Shoes With Sandpaper Grip?
Yes, you can buy shoes with Sandpaper Grip, but as I have already mentioned, there are certain drawbacks of using Sandpaper. So, these shoes will not be efficient enough and will wear down quickly.
3. Can You Put Griptape Over Old Grip Tape?
No, you cannot put new grip tape over the old grip tape on your skateboard. This is because the already rough surface of the old grip tape won’t allow the new tape to stick on it.
So, use a hairdryer over the old grip tape and then peel it off using your hands or a hobby knife. After that, stick the new grip tape.
Final Thoughts
To conclude what I have mentioned so far, you can use Sandpaper or any other alternatives of grip tape, but remember they will work but not that well. Hence, I would suggest you look for these alternatives only when grip tape is unavailable to you.
I hope this post helped you and you were able to solve your doubts. Hopefully, now you will have a fabulous skateboarding experience.